WTH! I already didn't help him!
TAN JI SHERN!!!!!! Sorry la =(
I really didn't even help him already la weih..

Grrrrr >.<

WTV la. No mood to blog liao.
Byes . =.=

date Monday 12 April 2010

4 comments to “12 April 2010 . A very very not-so-good-dayy”

  1. Five Fingers
    12 April 2010 at 06:17

    Lols... cheer up wan teng!!! everything will b okiee.. :DD

  1. Chan Weng Fatt
    13 April 2010 at 04:44

    lolz, he forgive u liao. so forget about all dat stuff. CHEERS~~!! ^,...,^

  1. Five Fingers
    27 April 2010 at 08:46

    whoa.. i'm blurrrrrrrrXP

  1. Five Fingers
    27 April 2010 at 08:46


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