Im sooo sorry WanTeng coz i make u mad tht time in skul..
I seriously dunno wad is my fault.. =/
Sorry coz i mention 'his' name.. i noe u've been hurt by him all this time and i dunno he hurt u until Phantom told me..
And im sorry coz i bang u in class.. im seriously drunk.. >.<
I oso wan to say sorry to LegendaryFF coz i bang ur hand den ur masterpiece cacated~
I oso wanna to say sorry to Gan Chan coz i annoyed him in skul till he's mad at me and wanted to kill me wit his sharp long scary fingernails.. >.<
Im seriously sorry.. mayb i trip and drop down its my punishment frm annoying Gan Chan..
Btw he got tak-lek-gong-nang.. xP

I wanna dedicate this song to WanTeng LegendaryFF and Gan Chan:
BuckCherry - Im Sorry

Im sorry Im bad.. Im sorry you were blue.. Im sorry bout all the things I've said to u and I juz.. wanted to say.. Im SORRY!!

date Saturday 17 April 2010

6 comments to “Sorry..”

  1. WanTengYap
    17 April 2010 at 06:58

    it's okie.... sorry too :D

  1. Five Fingers
    17 April 2010 at 07:14

    how to use my acc to comment? =.=

  1. WanTengYap
    17 April 2010 at 07:20

    lol.... just comment den can dy la.. den put ur name like .


  1. Five Fingers
    17 April 2010 at 07:28



  1. Chan Weng Fatt
    18 April 2010 at 05:30

    hey...bro, it's ok man. it's not ur fault for annoying me coz i'm the
    1 hu ask u to do it. btw now u noe edi dat u should never ever mess with my tak-lek-gong-nang. XD

  1. Five Fingers
    23 April 2010 at 06:22

    waliao... our blog is all bout apologising?... lol.. the past is the past.. appreciate the present... 5 fingers+1palm

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