Man, yesterday I was damn pissed off by my mom at home. People see me....asked me y I so emo...... After dat, went bak to class, foofoo and onething asked me the same thing..........i answered, "my fcking chibai mom la...." . Den i gt cheered up by dat manga drawing guide book of foofoo. quite sarcastic of me................. den after recess, pinkiie, foofoo and onething so emo..... me and paikia dam confused...... den i asked onething, "wat happened???" she didn't answer............den i gt pissed....AGAIN. FYI to all other four fingers, i hate being the dumb, blur, confused one. it makes me feel left out and i am sick of it. SO NO MORE EMO-ING WITHOUT ME KNOWING THE REASON OR ELSE I WILL SMACK THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU. *pant* *pant*. get it? btw cheer up all three of you. pinkiie, foofoo and especially onething. btw i gt pissed by my mom early in the morning again today.....dammit..... so, well cya all in school den. BB. ;D

date Thursday 22 April 2010

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